صدر عـــن المديريــة العامــة لقـوى الامــــن الداخلـي ـ شعبـة العلاقــات العامة البـــــلاغ التالــــي: اعتبارًا من يوم الاثنين 20-1-2025 ستبدأ أعمال صيانة للفواصل الحديدية لجسر وادي الزينة المسلك الغربي، قضاء الشوف، الكائن على أوتوستراد جدرا – وادي الزينة، باتجاه صيدا، وتستمرّ لحوالى عشرة أيّام، وذلك من الساعة 8:00 صباحًا ولغاية الساعة 16:00. يرجى من المواطنين أخذ العلم، وتوخّي الحذر على المسلك المذكور، والتقيد بتوجيهات رجال قوى الأمن الداخلي وإرشاداتهم، وبلافتات السير التوجيهية الموضوعة تسهيلًا لحركة المرور ومنعًا للازدحام.
صـدر عـن المديريّـة العامّة لقوى الأمن الدّاخلي ـ شعبة العلاقـات العامّـة البـلاغ التّالــي: تُعمِّم المديريّة العامّة لقوى الأمن الدّاخلي بناءً على إشارة القضاء المختص صورة المفقود: - مجد برّي الإبراهيم (مواليد عام 1997، سوري) الذي غادر منزله الكائن في بحنّين – المنية إلى منطقة الدكوانة قرابة السّاعة 05:00 من فجر تاريخ 17-01-2025، ولم يَعُد لغاية تاريخه. لذلك، يرجى من الذين شاهدوه أو لديهم أي معلومات عنه أو عن مكان وجوده، الاتّصال بفصيلة المنية في وحدة الدّرك الإقليمي على الرقم 462094- 06 للإدلاء بما لديهم من معلومات.
صـــدر عــــن المديريّــة العــــامّـة لقـــوى الأمــن الــدّاخـلي ـ شعبــة العـــلاقـات العــامّـة البــــــلاغ التّالــــــي: في إطار العمل المستمرّ الذي تقوم به قوى الأمن الداخلي لمكافحة الجرائم بمختلف أنواعها على جميع الأراضي اللّبنانية، توافرت معلومات لدى مفرزة استقصاء الجنوب في وحدة الدّرك الإقليمي عن قيام مجموعة من النّساء بجمع التبرّعات باسم جمعيّة وهميّة، من دون أيّ ترخيص من الجهات المعنية، لدعم الأطفال المُصابين بمرض السّرطان، في محيط مدينة صور. بنتيجة التحرّيّات والاستقصاءات المكثّفة التي قامت بها المفرزة، تمّ رصدهنّ، بتاريخ 14-1-2025، وهنّ يحملن صناديق عليها صور أطفال مرضى، وذلك على الطّريق الممتدّة من محلّة القاسمية وصولاً إلى قدموس- العبّاسيّة. بالتّحقيق معهنّ، تبيّن أنهنّ يقمن بجمع الأموال من المارّة على الطّرقات، مقابل تقاضي كلّ واحدة منهنّ مبلغ /25/ دولارًا أميركيًّا كبدل عمل يومي، بحيث يتمّ تسليم الأموال التي يجمعنها إلى شخصٍ يوهمهنّ بترؤسه جمعيّة لدعم الأطفال المصابين بمرض السّرطان، ويُدعى: ع. ج. (من مواليد عام 1988، لبناني)، الذي تمّ توقيفه بعد استدراجه من قبل مفرزة الاستقصاء المذكورة. بالتّحقيق مع الأخير من قبل مفرزة صيدا القضائيّة في وحدة الشّرطة القضائيّة، اعترف أنّه نشر على "WhatsApp" إعلانًا عن حاجته لموظفات لجمع تبرّعات لجمعيّة يرأسها، تُعنى بالأطفال المصابين بمرض السّرطان، وأوهم الفتيات اللواتي حضرن للعمل بترؤسه لهذه الجمعيّة. أوقف (ع. ج.) وتُرِكَت الفتيات لقاء سندات إقامة، عملًا بإشارة القضاء المختصّ.
صــدر عــــن المديريّـة العـامّـة لقــوى الأمــن الـدّاخلي ـ شعبة العـلاقـات العـامّـة البــــــلاغ التّالــــــي: بعد أن تمّ توقيف المدعو: هـ. م. ف. (من مواليد عام 2003 لبناني) الذي ينشط في القيام بعمليّات سلب وسرقة، من قبل مفرزة الضاحية القضائية، والذي اعترف بما نُسب إليه، لجهة قيامه بالعديد من سرقات الدرّاجات النارية والنشل والسلب، في عدّة مناطق لبنانية. وبناء على إشارة القضاء المختصّ، تعمّم المديرية العامّة لقوى الأمن الداخلي صورة الموقوف، وتطلب إلى الذين تعرّضوا لهذه العمليات، التوجّه إلى مفرزة الضاحية القضائية بغية التعرّف عليه، أو الاتّصال على الرقم 451162- 01 تمهيدًا لاتّخاذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة.
The Directorate Gene5ral of the ISF, Public Relations Department, has published the following notification : On 6-12-2024, a citizen has filed a complaint about the exposition of her house in Forn Al Chebak, to a robbery operation of a safe that contains important documents and the sum of 12000 $. Immediately, the ISF has started its measures in the place of the theft operation, and further a following up work and investigations, the Information Department has succeeded to identify all the involved persons and they are: Ch (born on 1994, Guinean) K (born on 1996, Sierra Leonean) G (born on 2002, Sierra Leonean) K (born on 2003, Sierra Leonean) K (born on 20003, Sierra Leonean) On 11-12-2024, and further a control operation, one of the Department patrols has succeeded to do perquisition’s operations in a simultaneous way in the two regions of Al Dawra and Jounieh, that conducts to their arrest , and we have seized the sum of 1850 $ , in addition to cellular phones and a computer. By hearing them, they have confessed what it has been alleged to them as for their involvement in the robbery operation of the safe with the participation of others, and that they have distributed the money between them and have thrown the safe in a forester region in the locality of Jounieh. We have shown the place where they have thrown the safe and the documents, and we have seized real estate papers, cheques books, and cellular phones . We have taken the legal measures against them, and we have submitted the seized objects to the plaintiff, and the work continues in order to arrest the other members of the gang.
The Directorate General of the ISF, Public Relations Department, has published the following notification: In the framework of the daily following up work carried out by the ISF, in order to pursue the wanted persons by the authorities, all over the Lebanese regions, specialized units have intensified their field efforts with the aim of localize and arrest them. Further intensive investigations and inquiries, the Information Department has succeeded to localize one of them, and he is wanted by virtue of a warrant of arrest, for crime of traffic of persons, and he is named: (B. M born on 1993, Lebanese) Also, it appears that he is a member of a gang that has kidnapped young men from the region of Bib nine further convincing them about the possibility of their smuggling in an illegal way across the sea, in order to demand further one a ransom from their parents in exchange of their liberation. On 28-11-2024, and further a delicate tracking and control operation, one of the Department patrols has succeeded to arrest him by means of a well confiscated ambush. We have taken the right legal measures against him, and he has been conducted to the concerned authorities upon its request.
The Directorate General of the ISF, Public Relations Department, has published the following notification: On 11-11-2024, unknown persons have entered by effraction to one of the compagnies in the locality of Achrafieh -Beirut, and have stolen a safe that contains a sum of money. Immediately, the specialized units in the ISF, have launched their measures in order to arrest the actors and to arrest them. And further a technical work and inquiries, the Information Department has succeeded to identify one of the involved persons, and he is named: (M. M born on 1975, Lebanese) And he has previous convictions for crimes of theft, robbery, threat, selling of stolen objects, appropriation of arms and munitions, and he is wanted by the authorities by virtue of 5 judicial warrants for robbery, effraction, composition of gangs and arms. On the basis of the above, orders have been taken in order to localize him and to arrest him. On 22-11-2024, and further a delicate following up work, a Special Force in the Information Department, has succeeded to arrest him in the locality of Sakiyet Al Janzir, on board of a black “Nissan “ Car , and this is the car used in the robbery operation. (it has been seized) . Also, it has arrested with him the named: (F. K, born on 1975, Lebanese ) And he has also previous convictions for crimes of theft, fraud, resistance to police agents, privation of liberty, beating and harassment. We have seized inside the car gloves and discs for iron cutting. By hearing the first one, he has confessed what it was been alleged to him, and having carried out the robbery operation with the following persons: H, born on 2004, Syrian) AA born on 2005, Syrian) Also, they have confessed that they have shared the stolen sum of money between them, and they have tracked the company before having execute the operation. And by hearing the second one, (F. K ), he has confessed having moved with the first one to the locality of Achrafieh , one board of a black “Nissan “ car , with the aim of tracking and control. On 23-11-2024, the Special Force in the a/m Department has arrested the two Syrians in the locality of Sin El Fil, and they have confessed having participated in the robbery operation. We have taken the legal measures against them, and they have been conducted to the concerned authorities.
The Directorate General of the ISF, Public Relations Department, has published the following notification: The Director General of the ISF, Major General Imad Osman, has received today at noon, in his office at the headquarter, the German Ambassador in Lebanon, Mr. Kurt Georg Stoeckl-Stillfried, in a visit during which it was a round up of the general situation and the means of enhancing the collaboration between the two parties. Also, the Embassy has offered a in kind donation for the profit of the General Directorate of the ISF.
Launching ceremony for awareness videos on combating human trafficking
Launching ceremony for awareness videos on combating human trafficking
Under the patronage of the Director General of the Internal Security Forces, Major General Imad Othman, represented by the Acting Commander of the Internal Security Forces Institute, Administrative Brigadier Bilal Al-Hajjar, and within the framework of the project “Strengthening Community Policing in Lebanon” funded by the European Union, and with the support of Caritas, it was launched on 12/14/2023. At the Internal Security Forces Institute - Aramoun / Barracks of Martyr Major Wissam Eid, a series of awareness videos on combating human trafficking. The ceremony was attended by the Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon, representatives of the embassies of the European Union, the United States of America, Bangladesh, a delegation from Caritas and another from the Community Police Strengthening Project, in addition to a number of representatives of civil society bodies in Lebanon, local and international associations and organizations, and events. Interested people, and officers from the Internal Security Forces. On the occasion, I delivered several speeches, which were summarized as follows: Speech by Major General Othman’s representative, Brigadier General Al-Hajjar: Dear audience, what brings us together today at the Internal Security Forces Institute, the mother institute for security institutions, is an absolute faith in confronting one of the most complex crimes. The crime of trafficking in persons is not an ordinary, traditional crime, but rather it affects a person's humanity and the human dignity inherent in him and legislated by all heavenly and earthly laws. Given the seriousness of this crime, the Internal Security Forces, since before the issuance of Law 164/2011 (Punishment of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons), introduced this concept within the legal, civil, and academic community, where our officers had the initial initiative and effective participation in producing several papers and documents related to the definition of the crime and its indicators. And the necessary strategies to combat it and respond to its repercussions. The necessary training curricula have also been prepared for our members. Various ranks. Since the legal and security response alone is not sufficient, networking has been done with local and international civil society in order to ensure a multi-sectoral response so that we can provide shelter, health and psychological services to the victims of this crime. Caritas was one of the first partners in this field because of its long experience and high standards in providing shelter and providing various services to marginalized groups, especially migrant domestic workers. Our partnership with this ancient organization began more than a decade ago and included joint training in addition to technical committees that laid the foundations of the response applicable in our society. This long and strong partnership has increased in roots and successes recently, especially through the project to strengthen community policing, which was gratefully funded by the European Union, which included several activities related to training and raising awareness, leading to the production of awareness films, the subject of our meeting. The Internal Security Forces are not alone in the first line of contact to detect and identify the victims of this crime, and they are not alone in the battlefield and confrontation. Rather, the combined efforts of all sectors will inevitably lead to revealing every problem that society suffers from. Therefore, we call on everyone to join this battle to achieve a safer society. Speech of the representative of the European Union Embassy: The campaign, which we are launching through a collaborative partnership with Caritas and the Internal Security Forces, aims to raise community awareness to prevent human trafficking. The European Union is proud to support this project, which falls within a larger initiative to strengthen the rights-based approach in the Internal Security Forces to provide protection to victims of child labour, forced prostitution and other forms of violations in Lebanon. Speech by the representative of the Community Policing Strengthening Project: Laia Castells: The peculiarity of this campaign is that, following the community policing model, Caritas and the Internal Security Forces worked together in its design, establishing a collaborative partnership that will last beyond the duration of the project. In addition, the campaign will help improve public confidence in police work, by further highlighting the security forces' commitment to promoting human rights and providing protection services to victims of child labour, forced prostitution and other forms of exploitation, and human trafficking. Speech by Father Michel Abboud, President of Caritas: Father Abboud began his speech with a famous saying of one of the thinkers, stating that “it is not only the evil ones who destroy the world, but rather it is those who stand by and watch that the world is destroyed,” stressing “the importance of citizens applying the campaign’s slogan, not turning a blind eye to any indicators or signs of human trafficking, and reporting The concerned authorities, led by the Internal Security Forces, will contribute to supporting the fight against this crime, thus protecting the victims and holding the perpetrators accountable.” Pointing out that “what the Lebanese need most today is security and peace, in light of their loss of social, health and even food security,” he stressed that “all people working in the field, from the Internal Security Forces and all the forces in Lebanon and even Caritas, must They enjoy economic protection, so that they can perform their role and protect citizens in the best possible way. Hence the importance of the continuity of projects that are not available in our country, which constitutes a guarantee of the continuity of the work of our employees, workers and volunteers with high ethics in accordance with international standards.”
Independence Day 2023
Independence Day 2023
On the occasion of the 80th Independence Day, on Thursday afternoon, November 23, 2023, students from the Department of History and International Relations at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Saint Joseph University (USJ) visited, accompanied by the Head of the Department, Dr. Christian Tuttle, and the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Internal Security Forces, Brigadier General Joseph Musallam, a number of members of the Internal Security Forces, where the tour began with a meeting with the Beirut Police Commander, Brigadier General Ahmed Abla. Dr. Tuttle began the meeting by conveying the greetings and appreciation of the University President, Father Professor Salim Dakkash, to Major General Othman. Then Brigadier General Abla explained to the students the major security tasks and responsibilities in the capital. By answering their questions. They then went to the operations room, the analysis room, and the monitoring and control room, and learned about the operation of the emergency number 112 and how to respond to citizens’ calls, the importance of forensic analysis to prevent the occurrence of crimes and quickly detect them, and the importance of the supervisory role played by the Beirut Police in maintaining security and pursuing criminals. They then moved to the Scientific Investigations Department in the Judicial Police Unit, and the officers, heads of the criminal laboratories, identity verification, central accidents, explosives, equipment, and supplies offices, explained to them the role of this department and how to detect crimes by adopting advanced scientific methods in removing evidence from crime scenes. The tour was completed with a visit to the 1st Beirut Regional Model Company, where the company commander briefed them on the principles of community policing under which it operates, and explained to them these principles, which are based on cooperation and partnership with the local community with the aim of maintaining security and enhancing stability, based on the shared responsibility with the community to implement the vision of Strategic Internal Security Forces “Together...towards a safer society.” At the conclusion of the visit, the students expressed their admiration for the scientific development achieved by the Internal Security Forces in several fields, and their pride in the professionalism of the officers and members, male and female, and the commitment and sacrifices they make in these difficult circumstances. They felt that there are professional people protecting them and watchful eyes looking after them. A national security institution has the right to have the support of people and society. We hope that this experience will be generalized to all universities in Lebanon, as it strengthens patriotism and belonging among Lebanese youth.
Major Claude Al Watar gave an awareness lecture
Major Claude Al Watar gave an awareness lecture
Major Claude Al Watar, one of the officers of the Information Division, gave an awareness lecture in front of a number of students in the eighth primary and first secondary grades at Fatat Lebanon High School - Beit Hbaq/Jbeil on the subject of cybersecurity and educating children about the dangers of the Internet.