Lebanese ISF Logo

المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي


About us

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan 2018–2022 has been developed based on extensive consultations with external and internal stakeholders. The public, ISF personnel, and our international partners have all been involved in the strategic planning process, helping to inform the strategic priorities and objectives.

Four strategic objectives have been agreed to guide and focus our work for the next five years. They constitute the core of policing in Lebanon, answering the question of what we do, how we do it, and what we need to do it effectively.

The first objective, promoting safety, stability and security by countering terrorism and fighting crime, constitutes our primary mission and the core of what we do.

Objectives two and three center on how we carry out this mission: By partnering with the community, remaining accountable to the public we serve, and protecting human rights.

And finally, objective four aims at improved professionalism and organizational efficiency and effectiveness, addressing the question of what we need to fulfil this mission effectively.