Lebanese ISF Logo

المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي


About us

Our Units

Inspection General

It is concerned with monitoring the service in all its branches in the various sectors of the Internal Security Forces, and that it is implemented within the limits of the applicable laws and regulations, and investigating the information and complaints referred to him by the Minister of Interior about the actions of Internal Security Forces personnel that are in violation of the law and order.

ISF Institute

It includes all colleges and schools of the Internal Security Forces and their training centers.

Beirut Police

The Beirut Police oversee law enforcement within the city of Beirut. Their duties include maintaining order, ensuring public safety, and coordinating with various units, except those partially or fully linked to other units.

Commander of the Security of Embassies & Public Administration

Its powers include all Lebanese territories and include all units entrusted with guarding the homes of diplomatic missions in Lebanon and their affiliated institutions, as well as public departments and institutions.

Social Services

The Social Services includes the Internal Security Forces magazine, the funds of a special nature that are established by decrees for the benefit of the Internal Security Forces, the institutions affiliated with these funds, clubs, and other cultural, intellectual, and social services.

Mobile Gendarmerie

These forces constitute the general reserve in the Internal Security Forces, which must prepare in size, organization, equipment, and training for operations to maintain order and consolidate security, especially the important ones, in all Lebanese regions. They include all active units stationed in Beirut and outside it.


It includes the departments responsible for preparing studies and providing consultations to the Director General.

Judicial Police

Its powers include all Lebanese territories, and include scientific police units, tourist police units, crime control units, and research and investigation units.

Central Administration

It includes the administrative and technical units entrusted with managing the funds, supplies, and equipment of the Internal Security Forces and the buildings affiliated with them or placed at their disposal.

Territorial Gendarmerie

It includes all units operating outside Beirut, except for those that remain fully or partially linked to one of the other units.