Lebanese ISF Logo

المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي


Institute of Internal Security Forces

In 1919, the French allies came to Lebanon, where they assigned one of their officers, Lieutenant Maistre, who established an institute for officers, sergeants and privates in Baabda. Then, in 1920, it was transferred to Beiteddine.

This institute began to provide the gendarmerie with soldiers who were properly trained militarily, administratively and professionally in all aspects, understanding the basics of their jobs and worthy of serving their country with knowledge, honesty and loyalty. The institute continued to advance with the advancement of military and civilian technologies and was transferred during the independence era to the Muhammad Nasser Barracks and became known as the “Internal Security Forces Institute” and then to the Warwar Barracks (between Al-Hadath and Kfarshima) to be transferred on 6/23/2016, which is distinguished by its modern and advanced building equipped with modern training supplies. Most of the classrooms were equipped with smart boards that help with interactive presentations. Two shooting ranges were built, an internal range and an external range, and a model training village was constructed, extending over approximately 40 thousand square meters, including classrooms and lecture halls that can accommodate For more than 300 people, streets, squares and multi-use buildings where training can be conducted on different scenarios that simulate the diversity of the tasks of the Internal Security Forces units.

This training village represents a live operational theater similar to the theaters of actual confrontation with criminals, allowing officers and personnel the opportunity to acquire high security skills that make them more professional and skilled men. The development that occurred at the Internal Security Forces Institute was not limited to buildings and facilities, but rather extended to the development of a modern training strategy that is in line with the security requirements of Lebanese society. The training includes all its basic, continuous, specialized and promotional levels for all security agencies from the security forces, army, public security and state security, in addition to municipal police personnel…

The Internal Security Forces Institute is a specialized training institution in the police and security fields, and provides various types of training for the Internal Security Forces Institution, other security institutions and the municipal police.

Since its establishment in 1919, the Institute has been keen to keep pace with the continuous progress in the field of modern police sciences and technologies, by continuously developing its curricula in accordance with the latest and best practices reached by local and international research and police agencies, as the adopted training policy is based on:

  • Adopting a competency-based approach in various trainings, enhancing practical applications and consolidating basic knowledge and principles among trainees.
  • The harmony of the vision of the Internal Security Forces Institute and its strategic programs with the strategic plan of the Internal Security Forces, and thus all training courses and activities are in line with the objectives of this plan and with the nature of the tasks assigned to the elements of this institution.
  • The Institute’s commitment to providing all training requirements and needs for the various parties concerned in the courses it organizes.
  • The Internal Security Forces Institute’s commitment to preparing and developing its own objectives, and to working to provide all resources that allow for ensuring continuous development in performance and improving the quality of service in the field of police training and education.
  • Ensuring that all training curricula are consistent with human rights principles and applicable laws.
  • Focusing on the needs and expectations of trainees and providing the necessary support to them in order to develop their performance and achieve the desired goals of training.
  • Commitment to enhancing social responsibility towards society through the Institute’s operational performance and commitment to developing this responsibility among trainees.
  • Respecting intellectual property in all scientific research and studies issued by it.

The Internal Security Forces Institute remains a beacon of distinguished knowledge and training in the security field, and a key partner in building a safer society.

The Internal Security Forces Institute provides various training types tailored to the needs of ISF members, other security institutions, and municipal police. These training types include:

Basic Training

It embodies the process of transition from civilian life to police life by acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to become security personnel capable of performing their duties after graduation with professionalism and expertise.

Continuous Training

The personnel who graduated from the Internal Security Forces Institute periodically attend continuous training courses to activate and develop their knowledge, skills and behaviors.

Specialized Training

It is training that delves into a specialty that targets a specific category of personnel in an intensive manner and enables them to acquire knowledge and simulate the specialized tasks assigned to them.
