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المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي


Shooting Club

Title: According to the provisions of Instructions No. 373 dated 8/3/2000 (Internal Security Forces Shooting Club System)

A club called “Internal Security Forces Shooting Club” shall be established in the Emile Helou Barracks, linked to the Head of the Social Services Department, in implementation of what is specified in Article 6 of Law No. 17 dated 9/6/1990 (Organization of the Internal Security Forces).

Objective: According to the provisions of Instructions No. 373 dated 8/3/2000 (Internal Security Forces Shooting Club System)

The club’s objective is both athletic, guiding and training, and it aims to develop the individual skills of the participants and train them on the speed and accuracy of aiming in the field of pistol shooting and to refine their sportsmanship through practicing sports games and activities, as well as enhancing their physical and intellectual abilities.

Internal Security Forces Shooting Club Address:

The Internal Security Forces Shooting Club is located in Emile Helou Barracks, in the Musaytbeh area – Corniche El Mazraa, and can be accessed through its own door from the southern side of the barracks from the Corniche.

Club working hours:

The club opens its doors to members and guests wishing to practice the sport and hobby of shooting throughout the week, except for Sundays and holidays, starting from 2:00 p.m. until 22:00 p.m.

Club members:

Officers in active service or retirees and all sergeants and members of the Internal Security Forces, Public Security, State Security and the Parliament Police in active service are considered members of the club by law without an annual allowance and without submitting membership applications, provided that the identification card is used.

The remaining persons entitled to join this club and their annual membership fee are determined as follows:

  1. Current ministers and representatives (100 USD)
  2. First class employees including judges (100 USD)
  3. Civilian figures other than those mentioned above after the approval of the Director General (100 USD)
  4. Foreign officers (30 USD)
  5. Sons of officers in active service and retired, adults, in the army, internal security forces, public security, state security and parliament police (15 USD)

In addition, he is considered a member of the club if he has been accepted by a decision of the administrative body after submitting an application to the club presidency, provided that he meets the following conditions:

  1. He must be Lebanese and have completed eighteen years of age.
  2. He must not have been convicted of a felony or a shameful misdemeanor.
  3. He must have a good reputation and good conduct, and the administrative committee may refer the application to the information branch to investigate and collect the necessary information for the relevant section.
  4. Pay the required allowance (100 US dollars annually).

How to subscribe:

Subscription applications are submitted as follows:

  1. Current ministers, deputies, first-class employees and judges, directly to the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Diwan or to the Head of the Social Services Department.
  2. Civilian figures not mentioned in the previous clause, to the Head of the Social Services Department, which in turn refers them to the General Directorate – Service and Operations Division to obtain the approval of the Director General.
  3. Foreign officers through the Service and Operations Division.
  4. Sons of officers in active service and retirees through their father, to the General Directorate – Personnel Division and referred to the Head of the Social Services Department.

A card is issued to each participant by the club management according to the following model:

Front of the card


Back of the card

Documents required for subscription:

Those wishing to subscribe to the Internal Security Forces Shooting Club must fill out a subscription application form (the form available at the club) attached with the following documents:

  1. A copy of the ID or individual civil status extract
  2. A criminal record not older than three months
  3. A passport-size photo certified by the neighborhood mayor
  4. Subscription fee (100 US dollars or its equivalent in Lebanese pounds)

Definition of pistol shooting

Pistol shooting is a sport that is based on calm, relaxation, focus and accuracy in aiming at the target. It is one of the sports that leads to alleviating the burdens of daily pressures, as when you practice this sport, you feel that you are separated from the outside world, and enter into an internal struggle to dispel feelings of fear and hesitation, and transform them into courage and self-challenge, which will ultimately lead you to a great feeling of comfort, calm and relaxation, and your focus turns towards aiming at the target and hitting it accurately.

Pistol shooting has rules like all other types of sports, which cannot be ignored. Since this sport is based on the principle of using a pistol, and since the ammunition used is live ammunition, the most important of these rules are those related to safety and knowing how to carry the pistol, and then come after them the rules related first to the standing position and second to relaxation and calm, then focus and aiming at the target and shooting in the final stage.

Given the importance of the safety rule, we list for you the ten safety items that must be taken into account when using a weapon:

  1. Always keep the muzzle of the gun pointed in a safe direction.
  2. The weapon must be unloaded when not in use.
  3. Do not rely on the pistol’s safety lever.
  4. Make sure of the target and what is behind it.
  5. Use the appropriate and correct ammunition.
  6. In the event of a shooting malfunction, handle the pistol carefully and cautiously, and always point the muzzle of the pistol in a safe direction.
  7. Wear eye and ear protection when shooting.
  8. Make sure that the pistol’s barrel is free of any obstacles before shooting.
  9. Do not change or modify your pistol, and use a pistol that is regularly inspected.
  10. Learn the mechanical characteristics of the weapon you are using and the characteristics of dealing with it.

Weapons and ammunition allowed to be shot

Regarding weapons:

In addition to the pistols and rifles available at the shooting club of various calibers and types that can be used for shooting by the pioneers, the following pistols are permitted to be used:

  1. For officers: It is permissible to use their own pistols that were previously purchased by them in accordance with the applicable administrative methods.
  2. For sergeants and individuals: It is permissible to use the princely pistols issued to them.
  3. For civilians: It is permitted to use private pistols licensed in accordance with the applicable legal methods, at times when weapons carrying licenses are valid.

Regarding ammunition:

The Internal Security Forces Shooting Club has Winchester ammunition, which is one of the best in the world, in the following calibers:

serial Ammunition caliber
1 9mm 115g
2 9mm 124g
3 9mm JHP
4 9mm SHORT 380 AUTO
5 38mm special
6 38mm super
7 38 Powder (DFA)
8 45 mm
9 45 Powder (DFA)
10 6 mm (0.22)
11 10 mm
12 44 special
13 44 magnum
14 40 mm
15  357 magnum
16 5.5 mm (25 Otto)
17 7mm (32 Otto)
18  X 460 SW
19  X 500 SW
20 5.56mm SRTA


It is prohibited to use any ammunition from outside the club, other than the ammunition designated for it and available with the treasurer and the warehouse.


All participants are required to strictly adhere to the club’s regulations, which must be reviewed before entering the shooting range.

  1. The shooting club’s weapons are limited to pistols of all types and the special rifles available in it.
  2. The weapons that the participant brings to the shooting range must be empty and unloaded, so that they are prepared for use only at the actual training site designated for the trainee. These weapons must also be carried either open with their barrels pointing upwards or placed in their covers, boxes or cases, whatever they may be.
  3. The officer in charge of the club and the supervisor of the shooting range must report to the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces in sequence about any violation that occurs within the club, and he must remind the club’s regulations of any participant who he believes has violated these regulations (wrong actions – dealing with weapons in a way that endangers public safety or exposes facilities or equipment to damage or malfunctions). In the event of non-compliance, he must contact the leadership of the Social Services Administration directly to present the matter, and the aforementioned report remains required.
  4. The participant is responsible for the pistol he brings and uses in shooting, and the responsible officer has the right to exclude any pistol he suspects is unfit.
  5. It is prohibited to use any ammunition from outside the club, other than the ammunition designated for it and available with the treasurer and the warehouse.
  6. The participant’s guests are not allowed to use the throwing lines unless accompanied by the participant.
  7. In order to maintain public safety, it is prohibited for more than one trainee, whether a participant or a guest, to be present on one shooting range with his pistol. It is also prohibited for anyone other than trainees and their supervisors to enter the shooting range, and all of them must not exceed the limits of the shooting range, regardless of the compelling circumstances.
  8. The trainee must adhere to the shooting line assigned to him and not move to another shooting line for any reason. He must also load and empty his pistol himself and be directly linked to the trainer supervising the shooting range and abide by his instructions.
  9. If the trainee is forced to leave his firing line, he shall immediately place his weapon after emptying it in the designated place on the firing line with its muzzle towards the bullet trap.
  10. When the trainee finishes shooting, whether at the end of the session or at the trainer’s signal and before leaving his line, he must secure his gun and put it in its sheath or bag.
  11. In the event of a shooting error, the trainee places his pistol in the designated place and in the same position shown in paragraph 10, and reviews the trainer using the recall key and awaits his instructions.
  12. It is prohibited to shoot by rapid drawing from the side, chest, under the armpit, etc., except in occasions determined by the administration and under its supervision. Continuous shooting in the manner of machine guns is not permitted. Rapid shooting is only permitted during matches organized by the administration.
  13. It is forbidden to enter the shooting range without wearing hearing and vision protectors.
  14. It is prohibited to bring food and drinks into the shooting range (control room and shooting range).
  15. Any difficulty that the participant encounters will be presented to the club’s management to be resolved.
Beirut - Musaytbeh - Corniche Al Mazraa - Emile Helou Barracks