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المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي


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⦁ Any vehicle seized based on the Traffic Law shall not be released except by a decision of the competent court. ⦁ As for the detention of vehicles, it shall be lifted by notification from the head of the section to which the organizers of the report belong after verifying that the violation that necessitated the detention has been removed. ⦁ In the event that a vehicle is detained administratively, the vehicle shall remain detained under the authority of the direct head of the organizers of the violation report, and this authority may return the vehicle to the road after the reasons that led to the detention have been removed. If the violator does not take the initiative to remove the reasons that led to the detention within thirty days from the date of the report, the detention shall become a seizure and the procedures followed in detention cases shall then be applied.

After 24 hours of the case of loss or disappearance, go to the competent public prosecution and file a complaint, which in turn refers it to the relevant department in the security forces and prepares a report in this regard to clarify the case of loss or disappearance (kidnapping, murder, etc.)

How to obtain a criminal record
First: Lebanese residents:
The Lebanese resident goes to the criminal record offices during official working hours and presents his identity card, registration statement or passport to obtain a criminal record, which is delivered to the person concerned immediately after its completion.
By their legal representatives, attached with supporting documents.
By someone representing him under a mandate certified by the Mukhtar of the neighborhood.
By Liban Post offices.
Second: Institution employees:
If criminal records are required for private institutions, in addition to submitting official documents proving the identity of the persons concerned, a letter from the person responsible for the institution requesting the criminal data must be submitted along with it, specifying the name of the person responsible for receiving it, directed to the head of the judicial police to decide on his case. Third: For travelers: Persons outside the country can obtain a criminal record through one of the parents, children, spouse or legal representative after verifying their status, after submitting a request to the criminal record offices, which in turn undertakes:
1- Accepting requests from the persons concerned and registering them according to the rules.
2- Sending an immediate telegram requesting the approval of the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Service and Operations Division – to be answered within 48 hours, after which it will be delivered to the applicant in accordance with the rules.
Through the Lebanese Embassy Abroad:
Requests for criminal records sent by interested parties outside the country, whether Lebanese or foreigners, can be submitted and sent directly to the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces or through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, which will organize the required criminal data for them if their requests are accompanied by an original copy of the page or pages of the document (valid passport, identity card, etc.) that includes all the elements of the identity, then sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants through the General Directorate – Service and Operations Division in preparation for delivering them to the interested party through Lebanon’s diplomatic representatives in the countries in which the persons to whom the criminal data relate reside.
Fourth: For non-Lebanese and legal residents:
Foreign residents legally must go to the criminal record offices during official working hours, attaching supporting documents, to obtain a criminal record, which will be delivered immediately upon completion.

Contact or go to the Internal Security Forces Center and file a complaint in this regard.
You can also contact civil society organizations to provide free legal, social and psychological assistance.
For example, but not limited to:
⦁ KAFA Violence and Exploitation Organization 03/018019 – 01/392221
⦁ Mary and Martha Association 09/236961
⦁ Good Shepherd Sisters 04/8700024
⦁ Young Women’s Christian Association 01/880386

1- Keep a copy of the theft investigation report organized in (the division or police station) where the crime occurred.
2- Inform the International Theft Crimes Combating Office of any new information related to the theft, regardless of its importance.
3- Do not hesitate to contact the International Theft Crimes Combating Office immediately upon receiving any call to negotiate the stolen car in order to provide them with the negotiator’s phone number and adhere to the office’s instructions, and do not respond to those calls regarding the payment of money, as most of these calls are fraudulent operations, some of whose perpetrators do not hesitate to inflict physical harm on the plaintiffs to force them to pay the money.
4- Do not hand over the car keys to the insurance company before presenting them to the office.
5- Contact the office immediately if the car is found and do not tamper with its contents before the arrival of the International Theft Crimes Combating Office patrol and the completion of the fingerprinting work by the Accidents Office.
6- Go to the International Theft Crimes Combating Office to initiate procedures to stop searching for the car’s plate before the end of the year in which it was stolen to stop the fees due on the car.
7- Obtaining a statement in favor of the insurance company from the International Theft Crimes Combating Office after three months from the date of the theft and not finding it.
8- Keeping a copy of the theft report and the report of stopping the search for the plate organized by the International Theft Crimes Combating Office.

Go to the Public Prosecution Office where the loss or theft occurred, so that the complaint can be referred to the competent police station or division, which will prepare a report in this regard.

Go to the competent Public Prosecution, which in turn refers the complaint to the Office for Combating Cybercrimes and Protecting Intellectual Property in the Judicial Police Unit.

A report is prepared according to the rules if it is confirmed that there is an alcohol content in the blood of 50 mg per deciliter, which is considered the scientific level that puts a person in a state of drunkenness.

The judgments issued for traffic violations that include a monetary penalty only shall be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the address declared by the offender on the report or recorded with the Traffic, Vehicles and Machinery Management Authority. As for the judgments that include a decision to imprison, they shall be transferred and executed according to judicial procedures like other imprisonment decisions.
The letter shall be delivered to the violator or to one of his adult family members residing with him in the same residence. The notification shall be deemed to have been made if the recipient refuses to receive the letter or if the person responsible for notification does not find him on three consecutive occasions separated by at least three days.

The violator shall be given a period of thirty days to pay the reduced fine from the date of issuing the report with a stamp or with an automatic marking or from the date of notification when it is issued in the absence of the violator, otherwise a copy of it shall be referred to the court where a penal decision shall be issued against him to be executed in accordance with judicial procedures, and the violator shall have the right to object to it within the periods specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Parking and stopping violations are exempted from the provisions of this article, as they shall be referred to the Traffic and Traffic Records Enforcement Office in order to place a note on the file of the violating vehicle.
Paying the fines of the report with a stamp within a period of thirty days from the date of notification of the report shall result in the public right lawsuit being dropped.

Visitors are allowed, after obtaining a written permission from the specified authorities, to visit prisoners, both convicted and detained, once a week.
Visiting hours are set for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, as follows:
A – Central Prison / Roumieh – Tripoli Prison – Zahle Prison: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
B – Other prisons: Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If the written permissions granted by the public prosecutors include a specific date for visiting detainees, the prison commander or head must inform visitors of the dates permitted for visiting detained prisoners, as stated in the previous paragraph.
No one can visit prisoners unless they obtain a written permission from the following authorities:
For convicts:
1) The Minister of the Interior.
2) The battalion commander in prisons led by an officer.
3) The platoon commander in the central prison.
4) The police station commander in prisons located in the police station center when the center is empty of an officer.
For detainees:
1) The public prosecutor at the Court of Appeal for detainees referred to the criminal and appeal courts.
2) The public prosecutor at the court of first instance for detainees by him or by the court of first instance.
3) The public prosecutor at the court of first instance or the investigating judge for detainees by this judge.
4) The public prosecutor at the court of first instance or the magistrate for detainees by this judge.

⦁ In the event of the loss of one or both registration plates, the vehicle owner must prove this by filing a report with the Internal Security Forces and then complete the procedures for obtaining replacement plates for the lost one.
⦁ In the event of damage to one or both registration plates, the vehicle owner must notify the competent authority.
⦁ Vehicles are not allowed to drive before completing the procedures for obtaining replacement plates for the lost or damaged one and obtaining the replacement plates.
⦁ In the event of the loss of one or both plates outside Lebanese territory, the vehicle owner must notify the Internal Security Forces and bring proof of this from the competent authorities in the country in which it was lost. The security authorities must contact local and international security authorities regarding the lost plates to ensure that they are not used illegally.

Go to the nearest Internal Security Forces center and hand over the identification papers or personal belongings, which will in turn prepare a report in this regard.

⦁ If the driver’s license is lost, its owner can obtain a copy of it after submitting a certified copy of the investigation report organized by the Internal Security Forces or the Lebanese Consulate in the country where it was lost, provided that the lost license is delivered to the competent authority if it is found. ⦁ The vehicle owner or his legal representative must immediately notify the competent authority in the event of the loss or damage of the vehicle’s driving license, by proving this by means of a report with the Internal Security Forces, and submitting a request to obtain a replacement for a lost or damaged item and paying the prescribed fees. ⦁ In the event of the loss of the identity card or the registration extract, the first thing to do is to go to the Public Prosecution Office within whose territorial jurisdiction the loss occurred. The request is referred to the competent police station, which prepares a report and delivers a certified copy of it to the interested party.

Go to the competent Public Prosecution, which in turn refers the complaint to the Office for Combating Cybercrimes and Protecting Intellectual Property in the Judicial Police Unit.

You must report or go to the Internal Security Forces Center and file a complaint in this regard.

A true copy of the judicial report shall be delivered by a summons submitted to the Public Prosecution Office at the Court of Appeal or the Public Prosecution Office at the Court of Cassation if the subject of the report falls within its jurisdiction, which shall assign the unit that prepared the report to provide it with a true copy of it if the date of its preparation dates back to less than ten years, since the reports have been kept by the unit that prepared them for a period of ten years. If the report was prepared more than ten years ago, the Public Prosecutions shall assign the Documents and Archives Office in the Judicial Police to provide it with a true copy of the requested report.

How a Lebanese citizen and a foreigner residing in Lebanon legally can obtain his fingerprint card – The person concerned shall submit a request directly to the Scientific Investigations Department located in the Helou Barracks to obtain his fingerprint card, attaching a copy of his passport, a copy of the residence permit for foreigners, and a special fingerprint card form approved by some embassies that adopt this type of card. The head of the department shall refer it without delay to the Identity Verification Office to take the necessary action by this office. – Upon receipt of the request by the Identity Verification Office, the head of the office shall take the fingerprints of the person concerned on two copies of the card designated for this purpose, recording on it the information related to the person, taken from his passport and the order issued by the department in this regard. For more information: Scientific Investigations Phone Number: 01/307557 Identity Verification Office Phone Number: 01/311244

The interested party (Lebanese or foreigner) shall submit in person or through his representative to the competent judiciary a written request explaining the facts of the case and attaching to it all available documents and information, especially the supporting documents necessary to verify his identity. The request shall be transferred to the Investigation Office for implementation and taking the necessary action and submitting the result to its judicial reference directly by the office. Documents attached to the request to remove ambiguity First: For lawyers – A copy of the request. – A copy of the interested party’s ID. – A copy of the power of attorney certified by the Bar Association. – A copy of the lawyer’s card. Second: For civilians – A copy of the request. – A copy of the interested party’s ID.

Rehabilitation (clearing the criminal record): Anyone convicted of a felony or misdemeanor can be rehabilitated by a judicial decision, provided that seven years have passed for the felony and three years for the misdemeanor since the execution of the sentence, and the period is doubled in the event of a repeat offense. The person concerned submits a request to the indictment body within the scope of his residence after obtaining: A new criminal record statement. A certificate of residence and good behavior from the neighborhood mayor. A certificate of execution of the judgment and a copy of the judgment from the court that issued it, after the legal period has passed from the date of execution of the judgment. The cancellation decision is delivered to the criminal record office for execution.